Standardized Testing Philosophy

We understand the pressure and intensity traditionally associated with standardized testing. The process can be anxiety-inducing and the competitive nature of standardized testing has heightened the need for additional support preparing for these tests.

Our three-pronged approach focuses on:

  • Confidence
  • Familiarity
  • Consistency

At Always Sunny Tutoring, we believe the most important factor in preparing for and taking a standardized test is confidence. To that end, our approach is structured around working with students individually to develop a personalized strategy that is crafted to address that student's specific strengths and weaknesses, with the goal of a complete review of all material that may appear on the test. 

Along with reviewing content, Always Sunny Tutoring believes that familiarity with the testing materials, including different structures of questions, how they are asked and what knowledge the questions are designed to test. With no surprises regarding either content or question format or ambiguity, students can leverage this preparation to recognize when these questions appear on test day, and to use that familiarity to greater success.

Additionally, and of equal importance, at Always Sunny Tutoring, we develop with our students a strategic tool set that provides an approach focused on consistency which allows for a familiar routine for each section of the test. This facilitates a more linear and conditioned approach so that problem-solving on any given question leverages a similar methodology that the student is familiar with, and which generates improvement and confidence. In addition to traditional strategies, Always Sunny Tutoring also strives to attack standardized testing from a different perspective, using out-of-the-box techniques and strategies to help students gain an additional advantage on test day.

To learn more about our support of college admissions exams, please click here.

To learn more about our support for admissions tests for 4th-12th grade, please click here.